Entry melekat...sehingga 22 november 2009 okey..
srcoll bawah utk new n3..thnkx....:)
srcoll bawah utk new n3..thnkx....:)
mlm merupakan sesi blog walking utk mama sbb siangnyer adalah bz membuat keje...chewaaah...hihi...so nk join contest ke pape mmg wktu mlm..sgtlah susah ati klu xdpt tgk blog walaupun sehari..:p
so nk join contest lg...hehe...kli ni contest dianjurkn oleh...noriza a.k.a ibu irfan..nk tau lebih lanjut psl contest klik sini okeyyy....
so utk contest ni mama mpertaruhkn gmbr aliff yg ini....
ni syrat2nyer...
1. Be a follower of http://mystory-noriza.blogspot.com/ -done!
2. Be a follower of http://sitishoppingcentre.blogspot.com -done!
3. Put entry contest in your blog (sticky mode entry ya!) dengan gelagat anak anda yang paling ceria. -done!
4. Copy the contest banner into the blog entry with the contest link in your entry http://mystory-noriza.blogspot.com/ -done!
5. Place the Contest banner in your sidebar with link back to the contest entry (no link back will be disqualified) -done!
8. Leave a comment on this post (Anakku Ceria Give away Contest) for me to pick up the winner. -done!
Contest ini bmula 22/10 - 22/11 okey....
maklumat lanjut klik gambar kt atas yerk....

1 kawan fizumie berkata-kata:
saya pun join gak contest nih...berkenan sgt dgn periuk tuh..dulu ada 3 bijik..hubby kasi pecah 2 biji (yg saiz kecil dan sedang) tinggal yg besar dah skrg nih..susah tul nak buat kerja bila ada periuk besar saja...kalo tak menang contest nih...ku tunggu bonus hubby lah..menuntut nih..
masa pecah tu..cam nak nangis jer..dah la kita yg bayar masa beli tuh..waaa...
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Terima kasih atas kerana menjengah blog fizumie. Silahlah komen yer :)