mcm korang sumer...lps bsalin bila period dtg ek?
ecspecially for fully bf mommies...
sbb mama smpai skrg blm period..
aritu ada jugak mcm tanda2 period..bln jun aritu..klik sini..
tp mcm setitik dua jek...
tu pn x merah sgt...
sehari je mcm tu..bkn shari la..skali t.ari tu jek..
then pastu xde dah...smpai puasa baru2 nih full la kan sbb blm dtg..
sbenarne normal ke x ek?
mama blm lg wt research ttg nih...blm jumpa doc tnya lg..
cuma nk kongsi ng mommies2 lain dlu nk tnya pndpt..
p/s: ye la kan..risau gak sbb xpeod kn...biasa dolu2 ontime jekk..huhu...
11 kawan fizumie berkata-kata:
umie, ana rs normal jek....die atas ana tros peod..mmg xde gap langsung walau ana fully bf...but org cakap, if xdatang peod lagi, susu banyak...xtaula rasional die...cubela cari artikel2 psl ni...hehe...
The BabyCentre Editorial Team answers:
Some breastfeeding mothers resume their menstrual cycle sooner than 11 weeks and others after 24 months or more. It's all related to hormones and the differences in mothers and babies' breastfeeding styles. Usually, an earlier return of periods is linked to one or more of the following: your baby sleeping though the night, starting your baby on solid foods, weaning your baby off the breast, introducing a bottle and/or dummy, and changes in frequency and duration of nursing.
A later return of periods can be linked to: frequent breastfeeding around the clock, late introduction of solids, all of your baby's sucking needs being satisfied at the breast, sleeping with your baby, and wearing your baby close to your body in a sling.
Whether or not your periods return also depends on how your body reacts to breastfeeding hormones so, for example, you could still be breastfeeding around the clock, but start your periods again.
For more information on breastfeeding, fertility and periods, contact Fertility UK.
p/s: mgkn dpt membantu....
The BabyCentre Editorial Team answers:
Some breastfeeding mothers resume their menstrual cycle sooner than 11 weeks and others after 24 months or more. It's all related to hormones and the differences in mothers and babies' breastfeeding styles. Usually, an earlier return of periods is linked to one or more of the following: your baby sleeping though the night, starting your baby on solid foods, weaning your baby off the breast, introducing a bottle and/or dummy, and changes in frequency and duration of nursing.
A later return of periods can be linked to: frequent breastfeeding around the clock, late introduction of solids, all of your baby's sucking needs being satisfied at the breast, sleeping with your baby, and wearing your baby close to your body in a sling.
Whether or not your periods return also depends on how your body reacts to breastfeeding hormones so, for example, you could still be breastfeeding around the clock, but start your periods again.
For more information on breastfeeding, fertility and periods, contact Fertility UK.
wan dulu lps 6 bln bersalin bru period, wan tak fully breastfeed pon.. cmpor2 gak.. mcm kakak wan tu, dia smpai 2 tahun bru period.. dia fully breastfeed laa, cuma lps ank dia dh pndai makan, kurang laaa sket breastfeed dia..
Lain org..lain time dtg period nye. Dun mom lu SAHM fully bf kami sume..after 2 years baru period balik..
cuma kalo dh plan for 2nd baby tu susah skit le kot..sbb xde ovulation..kalo rasa lmbt lagi nk adik utk aliff..ileks je la..hehehe..
ye ke ana..erm..tu la..nnt nk kena wt research hehe..leh jd research master nih haha..
uih ye ke wan..smpai 2thn? sama la mcm salmi..anak da mkn tp susunye same jek hehe..
mama Qaseh,
huhuhu 2 thn yerk...hihih..lmbt la aliff dpt adik klu mcm tu..:p
salam salmi,
sy pun tak period lagi dah setahun ni sejak bersalin dulu..
ada sy compile info2 pasal BF & return of menstruation kat sini (sudi2 ler menjenguk yer ;-)
salam ziarah kembali mama Aliff..jus my 2cents.normal la kalo tak period lg..cikCT period lps 6bln bsalin walopun fully bf n antara sbbnye period tu adlh stress dgn sister smpai 2thn br period smula..kalo mama Aliff dh plan utk adik Aliff, skrg tak yah riso2..:)
cik CT,
itu lah..klu normal alhmdlh xper la..tkt xnormal la plak..hihi...risau2 pun da...hihi..mmg ada plan utk adik aliff tp bkn skrg gap sket..
ana, thnkx 4 da info ek...sgt mmbantu..:)
i dah peod dah sis masa tgh posa retu.
kantoi laa beberapa hari.
tu pun sebab tak EBM kat opis.
harap BF aleeya masa kat umah jer.
maybe stress dgn keja sama kut sebab tu dtg peod.
masa aqeela dulu 8 bulan baru peod.
so, dun worry BUT be EXTRA CAREFULL kalo nak gap. u know what i mean, hehehe...
anak sy dah 10 bln..lum period lg pas bsalin tu.. bf pun campur2.. ikut org kot..lain2 kan...
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