so sempena template mama yang agak comey nih (bagi mama la kan..hehe) mama menukar hampir kesemua konsep2 yg sebelum nih..
Title lama > My World : My Love : My Everything
Title baru > My Beatiful Life
Blog lama ada 2 column
Blog baru ada 3 column hehe..
hajat di hati nk tukar nama nnt takut kengkawan xleh nk access plak..postpone dulu..
dulu xde gmbr aliff membesar..skrg dah ada..:)
mama da edit2 link yg mana yg ok mama kekalkan yg mana xok mama delete..
so pendek kata mmg nmpk baru la kengkawan..happy reading..:)
Title baru > My Beatiful Life
Blog lama ada 2 column
Blog baru ada 3 column hehe..
hajat di hati nk tukar nama nnt takut kengkawan xleh nk access plak..postpone dulu..
dulu xde gmbr aliff membesar..skrg dah ada..:)
mama da edit2 link yg mana yg ok mama kekalkan yg mana xok mama delete..
so pendek kata mmg nmpk baru la kengkawan..happy reading..:)
p/s: sejuk ati mama bila tgk wajah aliff tgh nyenyak tdo..japgi mama tdo sebelah ye syg...
2 kawan fizumie berkata-kata:
wah..nice template..tercapai gak hajat nak letak 3 column ek... :)
hai umie .. anda di TAG.. hehehe
The challenge is :
-GO to your photos folder in your computer
-GO to the 6th Folder of your photos
-GO to the 6th photos in that folder
-Put the picture on your blog & description of it
.-Invite 6 friends to join the challenge
-Link them in your blog & let they know they have been challenged.
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Terima kasih atas kerana menjengah blog fizumie. Silahlah komen yer :)