that is very long time i dont update my blog...erm...what can i do...since got a new job...i dont have much time to visit u my dear blog...hehe...well...
so...New Environment...what can i say bout this title huh....actullay its been 3 month i got a new job...i become a lecturer now..can u believe it? haha...that's true my pren...this raya become very touching becoz i spent a lot of money to my lovely mom n dad...n also my siblings..apa lagi my adik2 mengepow me secukup rase la...aha...but its oldies said...1st salary you should expense it to ur family...that da 'barakat' will there too...
that's all for now..i will story bout this next time ok.. bout my frens here...bout my students..and bout my fiance also...i miss him so much...hehe...
till meet soon...daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
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Terima kasih atas kerana menjengah blog fizumie. Silahlah komen yer :)